・°。♡ Look 1398 ♡ °。Decor

Decoração: Wicker World Set [Insurrektion] com Armchair (PG) & (Adult) + Lamp + Mirror + Screen + Table + Tea Set + Frames Watercolor A, B e C - The Liaison Collaborative Evento.

Casa: Sweet Hacienda Sweet Harmony por 15 lindens.

Plantas: Desert Plants Set [Insurrektion] com Big Agave + Big Succulent + Haging Ivy + Haging Rosemary + Olive + Rosemary + Saguaro + Small Agave + Small Succulent + Table + Frames.

Tapete: Bailey Rug #1 {What Next} com Hud de 3 texturas.

Textura: Textura Coral Wish Palette , Gift de aniversário do Evento Redeux com o grupo (0 $ to join group). Todas as lojas estão com gifts. Free.

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