Shape: Pumec - Anna New Tone - (99 $L to join group) - Free. Skin: 7 Deadly S{k}ins - Mabelie - by Enmeshed Summer 2015 Hunt - procurar um picolé - 15 de junho a 15 de julho - Free. Hair: Little Bones - Queen - (100 $L to join group) - Free. Óculos: Meva - Ladies Sunglass - by Enmeshed Summer 2015 Hunt - Free. Tatuagem: PixyStix - Always 4 - (0 $L to join group) - Free. Piercing: DirtyStories - Heart Nose - com grupo - Free. Top: *HolliPocket* - Rock My Bits Baby - Summer Hunt - Free. Calça: Trashed - Capri Grey - by Enmeshed Summer Hunt - Free. Shortinho: Trashed - Bikini Shorts Melon - by Enmeshed Summer Hunt - Free. Rádio: Legal Insanity - Street Boombox Pink - Gift de junho - Free. Bota: DirtyStories - Cutie Rain Boots - Gift do grupo - Free.